2023 Scholarships
Left to right – Kathy Moller; Liz Mazzu; Kaylee Wesner; Kasey-Huong Nguyen; Lynn Gnaegy; Joan Brinton. (Missing is VNWC member Beth Dobra and scholarship winner Maddie Kona.)
February 2023 Meeting New Members
VNWC presents a check to the Venice Symphony Youth Education Program
2020 Member Holiday Photo
VNWC Members pose in front of the Christmas palm after the December 2020 meeting.
Kneeling (left to right): Gayle Famy, Kathy Emann, Margie Simcox, Kathy Moller, Liz Mazzu
Standing (left to right): Bernie Novicki, Joan Brinton, Bonnie Burkhalter, Vicki Hazle, Pat Church, Myrna Goldbaum, Sharyn Lonsdale, Verna Silk, Joani Leeds,
Tish Scott- Murphy, Aimee Holmes, Lorrain Finizio, Carol Potter, Laura Hester, Maryanne Suprenant. (Not in the photo are Ellie Vick, Tricia Cook and Lisa Ketner.)
December Meeting Highlights
Liz Mazzu, VNWC President, (left) presents a prize for a trivia game to Gayle Famy at the December 10, 2020 meeting at Blalock Park.
The Blalock Park Tree Decorating Committee: (left to right) Ellie Vick, Lisa Ketner, Vicki Hazel, and Lorraine Finizio.
Welcome New Members December 2020
Laura Hester (center) with new members, Tish Murphy (left) and Joani Leeds (right).
Myrna Goldbaum, Kathy Couture, Margie Buffa Simcox, Pattie Creech, Carol Karakashian installed as new members on January 9, 2020.
VNWC Acknowledged for New Venice Library Support
Venice-Nokomis Woman’s Club attended a wonderful recognition ceremony on August 27, 2018 at the Sarasota County Commission meeting in Venice. We are proud to be a part of making the new William H. Jervey, Jr. Venice Public Library an amazing new place in our community!